needed some 'me-time' so I (last minute) booked train passage (that sounds so cool!) to Anaheim and finally after nearly 6 years went to Disneyland for my(our) birthday!! Joyce had made other plans for herself, but we were texting back and forth during the day - she was advising me on all the best places to go, since she had been there recently herself. this was our first birthday in 27 that we haven't been together on The Day. Here is a link to the video [32 mins. 400Mb].
once I got back to work (the next day) we had a department team building activity where we teamed in pairs and painted a picture together. Of the 20 or so pairs of people working on paintings, ours won the grand prize! a bottle of wine and a small watercolor "field kit." here was our effort, painted over the course of an hour.
spent most of a Sunday with my mom, watching football, telling her about my vacation, and had dinner with her too. good times. and our team won their game too - bonus! caught a performance of my school's alumni troupe production of My Fair Lady. Made me wish even more that I had been able to spare the time to rehearse and play with them.
had several opportunities to dress up for Halloween and the days before and after. At work, for our "coffee & costumes" hour on Friday, I played Winnie from the popular witch movie; and one of her sisters, Sarah, on another night (but I didn't get a picture.) For Halloween night I stopped in at a long-time bay area eatery and dressed as Rosie. had a grand time singing with the accompanists - keyboard and bass - and met some old friends, made some new ones.