Tuesday, September 6, 2016

s e p t e m b e r

started out the month laboring most of the Labor Day weekend, trying to finally get the last of our stuff out of storage. wow, do I hate moving!  but I did get to sing at Temple a couple of times so the laboring was balanced with joyous "rest."  at work, I did a fun volunteer activity where I read childrens' books into electronic e-readers, so that children (or adults learning to read) could have a companion voice while they are practicing. It was so much fun I actually read 3 times longer than the time I had originally volunteered.  when I attended the season opener party at my favorite downtown SJ venue (where I've been Elvis, and played a Founding Father) I ran into old friends from several of my performing activities, including a Glue Factory friend, and two of my kids when I played Miss Darbus in HSM2, so many years ago. Finished out the month at the theatre again, watching Spring Awakening at SCP.