Wednesday, December 1, 2021

d e c e m b e r . 2 0 2 1

looking forward to the holidays! 

     we had plans to see Joyce but she got the virus and had to cancel her plans. :'-(  
     on the first Monday, I drove down to the bay area at mid-day - during a torrential rainstorm that had to rival a monsoon - and finished the day working at the Santa Clara office.  then I drove to Campbell to see Janet play in our express band, where she's the only French horn player. 

     lots of great music, some of which I've played in previous seasons.  I even got a late dinner at Happy Hound, my favorite hot dog joint where I had worked when I was 18.  I worked from the lodge where I stayed overnight, and drove home, again at mid-day, in much nicer weather.  there were so many accidents along both routes, but luckily none of them involved me or impacted my drives. 
     I am so glad I got to see them in concert in September.... Mike passed away this month
     didn't want to set up a tree so I got this cute bonsai to help with holiday spirit.  

     one of the holiday activities I participated in was with the entire bay area admin community.  we all gathered on a virtual meeting, and watched as a craft vendor stepped us through the process of creating our own terrariums.  Intel footed the bill to have the supplies shipped to us.  and here is the finished living product.

     I also MC'ed and helped with the scavenger hunt for our annual holiday party; we also played a lively game of bingo!  everyone who participated seemed to have a grand time gathering with each other and racing around looking for items.  we also had vouchers for home delivered food provided, so we had a great rounded out fun time!
     because of the winter fog, I decided I'd try taking the train to the bay area for work.  it takes three hours each way, but I've had a few round trips that have taken 5.5 hours total, so I figured if it took a similar amount of time, and I wasn't driving, it would be worth it.  on the two trips down, they were uneventful.  but the return trips were otherwise.  the first return home we had a two hour delay because someone had stalled their car on the tracks and abandoned it there.  we "bumped" it, and of course it took a couple hours for the investigation and removal.  luckily I was near the club car, and I got some wine and snacks to tide me over.  the second return trip home was also delayed but only for 30 minutes, when we were stopped by the raising of a bridge to allow for ocean-going traffic.  oh well, at least it wasn't an accident!  
     we went to Craig's work holiday party all the way down in Gilroy at a giant villa available through a home rental app.  here are pictures of the suite where we stayed overnight, so we wouldn't have to drive home after the party.  which was good.  because the drive down took 3.75 hours, and the drive home took nearly three. 
     that same weekend, on Sunday, we drove out to a new homes building site to take a look at the model homes.  if everything goes well, hopefully we'll have our own place next spring/summer! 
     for Christmas, Craig gave me a fitting for golf clubs!  Penny was very helpful and made sure that all of me weaknesses were addressed, so it should help me play a better game of golf.  They need to be built, and with the supply shortages, it might take a while, but it will be fun to learn and play again. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

n o v e m b e r . 2 0 2 1

staying thankful

     while I didn't get to attend the all-hands meetings, I was  recognized two more times, for two much smaller amounts, for my contributions above and beyond to my colleagues outside of my direct teams.  it's nice to receive a few hundred dollars right before the holidays!  well, we can't always win trips to Hawaii.

     I am so thankful that the man I fell in love with nearly 40 years ago still loves me, and wants to spend the rest of our days together! 

Sunday, October 10, 2021

o c t o b e r . 2 0 2 1


    I've already been celebrating but I had a few more activities planned before sabbatical ends.  the highlights of birthday-day were sleeping in, crabcake Benedict for brunch including a mimosa and chocolate lava cake, and ending with Craig taking me to dinner at his fave seafood restaurant downtown. 


Crabcakes Benedict

Chocolate Lava Cake 
... and for dinner

Cajun pasta 

Peach Sparkler 
    Joyce spent her birthday time in Southern California but we texted a few times across the weekend. 

    I had planned four years ago to go to Safari West but the horrible Tubbs fire changed that plan completely.  I finally made it out to the property and spent a delightful day outside and out of cell and internet range! 

their 40's and 50's era Power Wagons 

ours was from 1947, and her name was Rosy the Riveter

hyenas waiting to be fed raw chickens



white rhino

they had a film crew out getting footage for a documentary

this lake was so beautiful 

a view into the trees and over the rough terrain

 on one of our many stops, our guide, Danno, told us about the various antlers and horns that some of their creatures shed or no longer need when they've passed on 

this baby zebra is only four weeks old

 an oryx 

wildebeests - an animal "designed by committee"

cape buffalo family

this ostrich looked like she was dancing for us; then she came up to our truck and gave it a few pecks

they had several giraffes 

this one even approached us ... sort of 

this might be an addax 

just one of the many overnight accommodations that are available for hardy campers 

this baby giraffe is only eight days old! 

a mom and a junior giraffe

scarlet ibis

this black swan was widowed a couple years ago; she fell "in crush" with Danno when she saw his red kerchief, that reminded her of her late hubs

 roseate spoonbill 

this was a very friendly heron

an albino duck
after our nearly three hour drive around the property, I had a lunch reservation, and ordered the "everything platter" which had chicken, pulled pork, green salad, fruit salad, potato salad, mixed veggies, mac & cheese, ranch baked beans, and dinner roll - all for $20, and way more than I could eat.  only the bubbly cost extra. 

 this rooster was strutting around; he reminded me of the ones we see on Kauai

I took a LOT of pictures of the flamingos; here's only one

loved this view through the cannas into the giraffe compound

okay, maybe one more picture of flamingos, with another black swan

naptime for the fox 

lemur, grooming his tail


as I was leaving, I noticed this metal sculpture of a swan partially hidden in the pampas grass
    on the drive home I detoured to Groth vineyard and had a splash of wine and a quick tour of the property before they closed. 

I heard this delicious fountain before I saw it.

one of Suzanne Groth's paintings of the property

I tasted some wine there, and took some to go

a peek into the barrel room

    then I had a long winding drive back home through the less traveled back roads (the top line on the map).

    I finished out my final sabbatical weekend by going to the movies, and saw the fifth and final Daniel Craig Bond movie.  I will forever have a love/hate relationship with this one.
    on my first day back at work, I drove down to the bay area, in a torrential rainstorm no less!  but since I wanted to sing karaoke with my favorite KJ, it was the easiest way to get back to work and play too.  It was a small but enthusiastic crowd of regulars, and I got to sing three songs before I left around 11.  I worked the next morning from the hotel room, then hit the road before lunch so I could beat the usual hideous Friday traffic out of the bay area.