Monday, August 1, 2016

a u g u s t

play time is over ... on to something new.

started out the month with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ... got to see BARBRA in concert!  had an awesome seat in section 101 ... the only drawback was that I had to turn my head to look at the big screen over my shoulder - - but I could live with that.  it was tremendous!!

also, had another opportunity to repeat an historic activity that I missed out on last year. the Rosie the Riveter Trust needed to win back their world record for having the most women dressed as Rosies in one place at the same time. We broke the record, then another WWII group back east won it from us soon after. not to be outdone, we decided to win it back!

so 2,270 Rosies and Bro-sies (guys were invited to participate this year) gathered inside a pavilion (it was SO hot outside last year!) and we had music and activities - - oh, and we took back our record! what made it extra special was that I took the train up to the pavilion in Richmond, but I didn't want to change clothes up there and have to carry around a big bag all day, so I rode up in the train dressed as Rosie. I got looks, but I also got positive reinforcement and probably educated a bunch of young people in the process.  not bad at all!

got to attend another proximity event with a number of colleagues in other departments in our greater division, including someone waaaay up the food chain from me! that was exciting!  and got to attend the wedding of one of our dear friends, Ritchard, who was the reason Joyce and I got involved in theatre so many years ago. we are so happy for the two of them!