Monday, August 2, 2021

a u g u s t . 2 0 2 1

my new digs

     summer is heating up, but luckily my unpacking can be done inside in air conditioning.  making good progress even though I'm putting in 40 hour weeks, plus driving down to the bay area one day a week too!  some of the things I've unpacked make it feel more like home...


    I haven't hired gardeners yet, but have borrowed a neighbor's mower to try to keep up the yards until I do.

    yummy things to eat are growing in the back yard too! 

    sadly I joined many coworkers from hp at the memorial service for our favorite gm, Nigel.  it was great to see so many, even though it was for such a sorrowful occasion.  I took the opportunity that same weekend in the bay area to see a cabaret production with many theatre friends called Open a New Window.  I also dined at two of my fave eateries, Pizza Chicago and Black Sheep Brasserie.  

    Janet and I both selected the truffle cooking class to make Beef Wellington!  great minds...  I took the ingredients over to Craig's and made it there.  turns out, when he was on a business trip to England, he tried to find a place that served it and couldn't.   so it was perfect that I could make it here at home.
    to wrap the month, I joined 3 theater friends in Santa Cruz to take a stained glass class and created this little beauty, which makes me think of a flamingo wing.