getting ready for summer. started the month at the theatre - of course - by watching In the Wake of the Moon. the weather is already scorching, and I caught a rideshare to see the a capella choir Chanticleer perform at the local university. the choir's education director was so attentive to me and another "older" patron, and made sure we had water and a cool place to sit while we waited for the doors to open.
I had another sewing project from my Wiz cast, and to return the garments, I met her at her Sunday services. it is the oldest black baptist church in San Jose, and I so loved the vibe while I was there - - the worship team was excellent, and the ushers were so sweet and attentive. definitely want to go back again. two people who were on staff for the Wiz asked me to make sure to attend the annual meeting ... I guess my vote is important!
lastly, while I can't participate as a mentor in this summer's Youth Mentor production, I was invited to collect and create props! we started production meetings at the end of the month.