Tuesday, November 1, 2022

n o v e m b e r . 2 0 2 2

 always grateful

ever thankful

     I try to feel gratitude, and even express gratitude every day. 

     on one of my trips to the bay area I got to meet with our new general counsel's new exec assistant!  they both live and work remotely, so it was great to see her in person.  I let her know she can absolutely rely on me to keep her connected with the headquarters activities. 

     we had made plans to travel up to Reno for Thanksgiving with Craig's family, but unfortunately I came down with one of the bugs going around, and we had to cancel.  we didn't think it prudent to bring any germs into a gathering where there are some really senior family members.  Joyce went to her cousin Tim's, and we got to video chat with them for a few minutes during the evening.  Craig made a ham and mashed potatoes, and I worked up the energy to make the bread pudding with rum sauce that we both love! 
     I was still a little weak, but wanted to start decorating, so we hung two wreaths, one indoors and one outdoors, and a few days later, we picked up a living tree at the hardware big-store.


     back in March, when they had a pre-sale, I ordered tickets for the local presentation of the van Gogh experience that Janet and I attended a year-ish ago.  Craig and I went on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, and it was just as wonderful as it was before. 

the obligatory selfie in Starry Night, with appropriate blouse

this painting makes me think of New Orleans

many of the paintings start out as line drawings, and morph into the full artwork

nighttime on the Seine

I want to be on this boat!

I have this painting on my ceramic coffee container in our kitchen


when the flowers filled the space, I felt like I was in a garden!

this is my most favorite; it starts as a branch, then the almond blossoms bloom, and then the petals blow away across the event space

a horse or mule doing some farm work

starry night!

the self-portraits

standing with other patrons in the village square

love these irises too

and just like that, the 45 minute sequence completes.