Sunday, September 1, 2024

s e p t e m b e r . 2 0 2 4

the end of summer

Fall begins

     late last month and early this month both Craig and Joyce were victims of their company's layoffs.  this current downturn is really playing havoc on business, and in turn people's lives.  we pray that these will be short layoffs for both. 

     because of her loss of benefits, the kids moved up their wedding plans and got married in a simple ceremony mid-month!  that made it easier for her to go onto his medical plan, for the baby of course. 

     three weeks into the month and I spied a bloom on my Queen E rose!  so beautiful!

     took an hour drive up to the small town of Lincoln to watch Titanic the Musical. one of my FB theater peeps played the architect character.  the music was luscious - their first time using a full orchestra - their performers were mostly solid and strong.  I cried at all the right places.  it was so worthwhile to make the drive to go see it!
     I wanted to be in Santa Clara for the last day of one of my team members who volunteered for a severance package during this pre-layoff period at work.  I didn't want to drive down and back, so I planned a leisurely trip down Sunday, stopping in Los Altos to catch the final performance of Waiting for Godot.  I even met the director, and briefly chatted with him, letting him know I was in an all-female production nearly 40 years earlier.  he said in no uncertain terms "that would never happen now."  apparently the Estate who manages the rights has specifically excluded women from any roles. Hmm.
     on the way down to Santa Clara afterward, I ordered a Firehouse pizza from Pizza Chicago, and had pizza and beer in my hotel room.  tried a new/different place this time, about 2 miles from work.  not bad.  
     the next day I went in to work early, knowing I wanted to get some organizing done while I was in the building.  we had a nice lunch at our "regular" gathering spot, Birk's, and had a lovely/melancholy goodbye lunch for our departing co-worker.  she will be ramping up what had been a part time realtor business, and getting married soon.  we are definitely sadder to see her go.  
     stopped by and picked up our mail at the mailbox in Santa Clara, and filled Chuck in on all that had gone one since the last time I saw him in January!  so much!!  then I drove to an old haunt from my HP days, the Duke of Edinburgh pub!  it was quiet, so I had a leisurely dinner of shepherd's pie and  a cider.  I had read that "any day" it could be closed and torn down and a hotel built in its place, so I knew I wanted to go at least one more time.