Sunday, July 26, 2015

j u l y

started the month with karaoke - which I love - but when I can't sing any more because too many ladies are wearing conflicting and toxic fragrances in a small confined space, I get cranky when I can no longer breathe! so I had to leave one club and head over to another where another performer friend was doing his show. thankfully no toxic fragrance cloud filled that venue. the other two times I sang karaoke my set list was: Does Your Mother Know (both times, different locations), Begin the Beguine, Past the Point of Rescue, It Had Better Be Tonight, and Walking in Memphis.

this Fourth of July was eventful, unlike previous years for me. while Joyce was spending it with family in the Tahoe area, Janet and I spent it with Mama in the emergency room. once the doctors had her problem diagnosed and treated (yay, more new meds for her to take for the rest of her life) I took her home for R&R. we also can't leave her alone for too long, as she needs assistance more than ever when she moves around.

I had to hold off on the bowling for a couple weeks because I ripped up my thumb and mildly injured my hip that first night. I made my hip worse when I was assisting my mom, and had to have my chiropractor adjust it back into position - yes ouch! when the thumb was finally healed and the hip was no long excruciatingly painful, I got back to bowling (yay!) and had two bad games and one good game (at least I'm consistent) but the team is still in first place, so I can't be that bad! I'm also still getting used to the action of this new ball, and bowling shoes that have "brakes" on them (unlike old bowling shoes where you can slide forever).

on one of the last two Shabbats of the month I read a new portion I've never read before, which was also a very long reading; of the 16 verses, I was able to read nine of them in Hebrew. on the last Shabbat I was blessed to be able to sing with Charlie, Phil and Ritchard - all of them are Worship Team Leaders, so I was in great company. the music set was full of very inspirational music.  I was surprised to see a former congregant from way back - Bill came to service with his two grown-up kids! (where does the time go). sadly I couldn't stay to greet them all and welcome them back; as soon as I finished singing I had to dash over to Mama's to spend the rest of the day with her. we watched her favorite animal rescue shows, some golf, football, and then old movies on a classic movie channel.

shows I've seen starring friends: The Underpants - a very funny Steve Martin play, and my friend Steve was hysterical; Irene - a rousing musical set in the 20s, and so many of my friends were in it; also went to the Tech Museum and caught the IMAX movie about Jerusalem, which was just incredible. I will definitely buy that NatGeo movie when it becomes available.

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