Tuesday, January 1, 2019

j a n u a r y . 2 0 1 9

Happy New Year! 

I finished out last year going to the movies, and I started this year the same ... went to see another blockbuster, Aquaman, which got great reviews from several of my FB peeps.  I thought it was very pretty, and Momoa's character was very funny and adorable.  Other performances weren't so solid, but perhaps it was "traditional" actors having trouble acting with greenscreens.

got together with my fellow cast-mates from Nutcracker for our cast party and DVD viewing. my Drosses provided liquid refreshment and fun company, and my "kids" continued to shower me with affection .... it's so easy to love this group! after that party, I wanted to keep the feeling going, so I stopped by an old karaoke haunt I hadn't been to in a long while.  a new KJ and a different crowd made a huge difference in my enjoyment.  when the people you're singing with don't have karaoke etiquette (you clap for everyone, not just your little "posse") it makes for a bummer of a night!

at work, in honor of the 90th birthday of MLK, three of our employee groups had a lunchtime celebration, where one of his famous sermons was read, and I even got to step in and read too when one of the video segments wasn't working properly! such an honor.  plus, we had pizza and birthday cake, so ... even better. went to a showing of a "new" production, Snapshots, which has a familiar composer who has re-written some of his more familiar music with new lyrics, to tell this heartwarming and heartbreaking (at times) story of a couple. and Janet and I are back again, playing our horns in our wonderful community band.

transitions .... the manager who hired me 5+ years ago is now retiring; this is my second "best boss ever" that I've had retire during my time, and it is hard!  we had a spectacular party, and I got to use my crafting skills to help make his "parting gift" a singular treasure.  the crying starts at the end of the month.  luckily his shoes will be filled by another of the dear people who interviewed me on that first day, and she is such a Joy!!  the tears will subside and she and I will move on and do great things together. 

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