Monday, July 1, 2024

j u l y . 2 0 2 4

 firecracker hot! 

     it was a good time to stay indoors, as the week leading up to the holiday weekend peaked at over 110 degrees!   we also had several days in a row that were equally hot, so I kept inside to stay safe and healthy.  

     one of my colleagues at work was leaving, and the rest of the group was meeting at lunch for a going away celebration.  I knew I really wanted to attend, so I asked my manager if it would be okay to fly down on the corporate jet, which was finally back up and flying.  it was a long day, starting at 5:30 - driving in to the local office - and ending at 8:00 - when I drove back into our driveway - and my watch said I logged 2 miles walking, the most since before my surgery in March!  but it was great seeing colleagues again, and wishing one a heartfelt goodbye.  I was able to have my bi-weekly 1:1 with my manager in person this time, and she could see how much I really enjoyed being in the office,  and  how physically exhausted I was by the effort too.  
     I also met briefly with Janet, as I handed her back her chef jacket, the apron I had made for her, and a couple other little gifts that I thought she'd like.  we chatted for almost half an hour in the parking lot, enjoying the breeze while standing in the building's shade.  all in all it was an excellent day ... including riding in this beauty! 

     I usually like to watch Olympics opening and/or closing ceremonies, and of course my favorite will always be the one where Her Majesty and 007 dropped in on the 2012 ceremony.  but this year's celebration was happening in Paris, and I knew I would recognize many of the locations, having been there just five years ago!  I watched the entire 4 hour ceremony, and was enthralled, and at the very end was in tears at the amazing performance of Celine Dion.  this one ranks up there with HM and 007!  in the picture below, Janet and I stood on the balustrade overlooking the garden and fountain.  there were many other sites throughout the presentation where we walked or passed by on the tour bus.  it was wonderful reliving that adventure and watching this spectacular! 

     for the first time in four months, since the weekend before my surgery, I ventured out to see a show.  this one is one of my most favorite musical dramas, and formerly a bucket list role before I "aged out" of being able to play it.  this was the Broadway tour of Sunset Boulevard, and it was amazing! 

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