Thursday, March 28, 2013

spring greetings!

...these cards cracked me up! [click images to enlarge]

.... AND ....

getting spring fever

after not having my car for more than a week, and several things being wrong with it, I finally got my baby back, with a brand new clutch. Boy does it drive differently! Marinko was a gem ... guess he'll be my chief mechanic from now on :-) Had a temp agency interview at HP - - felt like it went well, so we'll see if I can get back to work in familiar territory. Joyce and I got together several times these last couple of weeks, for drinks, dinner, shopping. Ahhh, makes me happy! Easter and Passover are fast approaching - our congregational seder will be Easter Sunday afternoon, our passover tradition! Happy Holy Days to all!!

Monday, March 18, 2013

theatre, anyone?

finally finished up my part in the Sunday production by delivering the last of the costumes to their locations, and collecting my check. Now it's done (except for getting the dvd's with photos of the production - but who knows how long that will take!) Joyce and I have started having discussions about Zombie Prom, and will need to start the interview process next week so we can set up our staff before auditions at the end of May. So exciting! Saw three productions this week: was one of the ushers for Wizard of Oz (then went to karaoke after that (-: ); finally saw Steve in his production of Harvey, which was so funny my face hurt from laughing so much; got my 1/2-price ticket to see several of our friends in Sugar, (the musical version of the movie Some Like It Hot) which was very entertaining - great music and it's always fun to see folks you know play "against type." Another karaoke opportunity - one of our friends turned 40 this week, and as we musical folks like to do, had his party at one of our karaoke bars. Any opportunity to sing! St. Patrick's Day came and went without any excessive partying - any partying at all.

Monday, March 11, 2013

no show withdrawals when you're still working on a show

I spent a few days de-constructing the outfits I had made alterations to, in order to return them to an original state before cleaning. That can be a bit of a let-down ... taking apart pretty hats, removing the "baby bump" from Dot's skirt ... but it had to all be done. Dropped off most of the costumes during the week, but the hand-washes and home machine washes were saved for the last.

Got to karaoke on Wednesday - yay! and on Friday I house managed and finally got to see the production of Wizard of Oz that I had made the 4 chair covers for. They looked lovely! Got to sing and read at Temple on Shabbat - a double blessing! But on the way to Mama's, my car died - the clutch gave out half-way there, and I limped the rest of the way at 25 mph, making other drivers very unhappy. Had to borrow one of their cars so I could make the rest of the costume deliveries, run errands, and just generally have transportation for a few days! Had my baby towed to a VW service shop - let's hope he can fix it without breaking my bank!

(so sad to see my baby towed away by that big old tow-truck!)

Monday, March 4, 2013

we put it all together, and now we put it all away

since my last post - well the last excluding the one picture post after final dress - so much has happened! Costume alteration - and some creation - consumed much of my free time. On Oscar Sunday I listened to the Oscars on my phone app while I was sewing. That was a novel experience (I prefer watching on TV.) I had all the main costume pieces for the show by the Monday rehearsal before Wednesday's opening night. I just had to make an eye-patch for Boatman, and an ascot on Wednesday morning to complete the ensemble for Mr. I was pretty proud that I made the ascot from simply looking at a picture online - no pattern! Earlier in this process I had indicated I would be backstage to help with costumes and quick changes, which also made me available to help with hair sculpting, beard gluing and moustache drawing! Made it through all four shows with minimal issues, a few upset tummies, and a lot of love all around. This has been an experience I will remember my entire life!

the inspiration

Act I pose
Act II pose 
The staff that "put it all together!"