Friday, June 21, 2013

great news!

to start off, I had a face-to-face job interview, which came from one of my many job apps that I have sprinkled all over the bay area. It wasn't with just one "face" either, but with 15 people in a department, and it lasted for 2-1/2 hours! I felt a really great rapport with everyone, and left feeling hopeful. I felt like this was "the job" I was waiting for so patiently. Just a week and a day later ... I got the call with the job offer!! Yes, I will be starting with Intel in early July - - many prayers answered :-D What was the most encouraging was that the recruiter told me this job req had been open for months (!) so they had been waiting a long time for me too!!

so that was the work front ... on the play front, I auditioned for an all-female version of the most-excellent musical 1776, and I was called back! So exciting. Ever since I saw the movie in the early 70's I have wanted to be in this show; I have watched several local productions, and been envious of my friends who have performed in it (all of them men). And now, there is a small possibility that I could finally be in it myself! Lots of worship this past week too; I sang and read at Temple. No karaoke though, because I had some conflicts, most particularly the last Board Meeting where I preside as President. My two-year term is complete and I can happily step down and let someone else take over. Got to see a friend performing in a funny French farce called Boeing, Boeing. Too hysterical! Glad I made the effort to go see him in it.

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